Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Complexifying Force: Everything's a religion that holds doctrine as Gos...

The Complexifying Force: Everything's a religion that holds doctrine as Gos...: Today I prefer the concept of Lamarck 's "complexifying force" because it's more true to today as we feel increasingly less ...

Everything's a religion that holds doctrine as Gospel.

Today I prefer the concept of Lamarck 's "complexifying force" because it's more true to today as we feel increasingly less subject to massive super powers of the natural multiverse with serious reservations though as I complete this sentence.   We need to continue to watch the super natural powers, with seismometers, telescopes. weather satellites and the evening news to attempt to safely navigate even our power cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles for Life continuance.

Here is me attempting to Codify a new DYNAMIC religion. It's easy to see I've taken Ideas from Scientology, Darwinism/Lamarck, Judeo/Christianity and the religion of Jupiter/Rome.
I challenge everyone to question Dogmatic ideas in economics and politics as well as if they are critical to
our survival.  For example Communism arose out of Capitalism mostly it's the rebellious child of capitalism
which wouldn't survive without the modifications to it.  Capitalism is dependent on Sales to survive in the market system.  If people don't have the money to purchase things they'll have no sales,  items will sit on the shelves and the businesses will fail despite maximizing profits by keeping expenses including wages low.  The problem is Un-controlled the profit motive isn't so efficient being that that they fail to see that increasing wages would maintain profits as a result of increasing sales to a broad base of customers with more purchase power.

  1. Seeking the "Super"natural. Man has developed devices with properties, example: temperature, percussive forces and light greater than natural forces.  Man was created "... in God's image" and recreates himself to likewise understand/create more supernatural things.
    An example of the supernatural of which we have only scratched the surface are atoms of which most are virtually indestructible to Man today has what is ironically more to the the sense of  per"man"ence. Using semantics to emphasize the wisdom of elders and forefathers/foremothers that led us to the strengths we have today. "Lifeoriginal Recovery",are the words we use today for religious and intelligent design, inspirational focus.


    Darwin creating 'Natural Selection' was challenging religion but not completely.  Putting forth the concept of "Man Selection" it would of been so.  Instead he rightly points out that evolution/change is determined greatly by natural forces.  Volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, the Sun, meteorites, black holes, the whole moving Universe being so vast and seemingly intraversible are all examples of natural forces determining the "natural selection"
    of our outcome.  Being "natural selection" and not "man selection" it also leaves open the possibility to add the "super" to natural.  So it brings in God and the Supernatural.   Parts or organs of God,  the Sun changing currents blowing windmills and evaporating waves and mighty rivers to keep them ever flowing, for the most part anyway and massive Jupiter blocks asteroids.  Examples such as these super powers of the natural universe will make Darwin's idea of "natural" selection valid for a long, long, time.
    On the other hand Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's idea of "The Complexifying Force" is 'bringing up the rear'.  His idea was that organisms are internally driven toward greater levels of complexity.  Though this may not be entirely true, coupled with the new advancements in understanding epigenomes in the field of Genetics, it is worth noting of it's abundance of natural 'environmental' and more to the supernatural alchemical influences.
    As for the Ultimate Truth we've been seeking.  The Universe is so vast and powerful, truth.  Untruth circa 1700 or before,  "men can fly".  Today we can fly with devices and Green peppers can be orange or yellow.
    In seeking 'Jesus's/God's' truth for so long we got to where we are today.  Where we have begun to have a share in God's super-natural powers.  The Darwin/Lamarck church notes the name of Charles Darwin first because the superpowers of the "natural" Universe are hurtling us along unstoppingly as always and with a sum of all celestial movements(rotation,solar orbit, galaxyplane movement)  carrying us over a million miles an hour through Space.


    Life Original must be eternally
    searched for due to the constantly
    changing meaning of words under-
    standing that a person must allow
    themselves to have continuous, im-
    proving, moving and stationary

    Noises/tumult are impressed upon a
    child before birth and afterwards that
    make them show wrong behaviour
    as an adult.  These deep and remote
    memories must be brought to the
    forefront of the mind to be cleared
    and relegated to having no impact
    upon them. Achieving a cleared
    mind is ongoing and continuos
    with a search of all of one's own

    Relating experiences, successful
    ideas and sharing the desirableness
    of using correct ideas will result in
    continuous improvement in
    resources and one's mind.

    Finding the greatest original sources
    for life is an eternal quest.